Friday, December 7, 2007

In the news now

The Barry Bonds scandal. Bonds now has to stand trail for the use of steriods. He said he "never knowly knew that he was taking steriods." Many see this as a race issue more than a baseball issue. I heard some people saying "they (MLB) just don't want to see a black person beating Babe Ruth." If I remember correctly Babe Ruth had a scandal too during his time but nobody tried to knock him. Until he is proven guilty, he didn't do anything!

Women and Minorities

Women in the media are "meat". The sex objects in many videos and ads and that's all the women are "good for". But we all know women can many more things. I think if the women looks real good, then the director or agents does not care what she can do but what she can sell...The whole sex sales thing! Minorities have a lesser role in media. They are either depicted as criminals or athletes. After watching the clip of news media in class, the news room said they do not portray minorities like that on purpose, just showing whats news. We all see the news from time to time, what do you think?


In cartoons we see stereotypes in children shows. The mom is a stay at home mom, the dad brings home the bacon (money). Even though in most homes are not like this anymore. Cartoons are still showed like this. One more recent cartoon, Family Guy and American dad.

Spike Lee

Spike Lee as always made films that really pushed the limits. Bamboolzed is the first one that comes to mind! Bamboolzed dealt with race. The movie offended many, made many laugh, and other emotions. I enjoy watching Spike Lee videos because he does push the limits and puts in his movies what many are thinking.

Hispanics in t.v. and film

Hispanics in television and film are usually portrayed as maids, lawncare workers, or construction workers. Some actors have gotten out of this role like, J. Lo, George Lopez, and a few others. But the majority are always stuck in this role in a lot of films and t.v.

Videogames and Music videos

Images in music videos may be disturbing to many and seen as just videos. Even though many of the male artists use women in their videos as love interests or sex objects and many female artists use themselves as objects of desire. One thing to remember....Sex Sales!!!! Videogames, pretty much, use the same kind of build for their charcters, males are; these built figures with every female flocking to him. Females are beautiful built with huge chest and able to whoop with any person that want to run up! Any way to sell the product, I guess.

Absence from advertising

We don't see people with disabilities because the public don't want to have a disadvantage themselves. So why would anybody want to see it in the media. When people think of elderly, coming from a young person, you are kind of reminded of death is around the corner. Its kind of discouraging and nobody wants to see want to see sad ads. Its not fair but its the truth.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Alcohol, violence, gender, and race

We all see those ads with hennessey, some vodka, and many other alcohols in magazines. Each alcohol try to make it look like with their alcohol you will get beautiful girls flocking to your way, your mad cool, or whatever. Each ad looks the same, only difference, the color and name of the bottle. Violent ads are common in magazines but to me they really don't look that violent. I guess its the way they are coded.

Stereotyping by race

Is common in all races. Ex. whites may think of blacks as thugs, crackheads, drug dealers, or whatever. Asians may think of Hispanics as maids, lawncare handlers, fertile, or whatever. There are many other stereotypes for each culture and many movies use these different stereotypes to fill there positions.

Images in news of gays, lesbians, and etc...

Everyone has seen ads, billboards, and commercials with two women or two men in some crazy pose. Some may look at this as art, others see it reaching the gay community, and many people wouldn't even notice it. Even though a lot of people do not agree with the whole gay thing, Gays are another group the media can make money off of, I think.